Collection: Bekezela Mabena (Coming Soon)

Bekezela Mabena is a visual artist whose work explores the intricate tapestry of human migration and the resilience of the human spirit. Born in Zimbabwe and raised in South Africa, Mabena's artistic journey is deeply rooted in his experiences witnessing the constant flux of people traversing borders.

Inspired by the vibrant bus terminals that serve as gateways to neighboring countries, Mabena’s art captures the dynamic lives of individuals who have left their homes in search of better opportunities. His work delves into the challenges and triumphs of these migrants, often portrayed in stark contrast to the bustling urban landscapes that surround them.

Mabena's paintings and drawings evoke a sense of urgency and vulnerability, reflecting the precarious existence of those living on the margins of society. Through his art, he invites viewers to consider the complexities of migration, the enduring human spirit, and the interconnectedness of our world.

His current work, “Patterns of Migration”,  explores the themes of transformation, resilience, and movement through the symbolic lens of water and textures. Inspired by the Limpopo River, a natural border between South Africa and Zimbabwe, Mabena harnesses the power of water to create intricate patterns, textures, and fluid dynamics that reflect the adaptive strategies of those who traverse borders.

Water, as a universal solvent that dissolves boundaries and facilitates migration, serves as a metaphor for the transformative experiences of migrants. Mabena's art aims to visualize the invisible abstract paths and stories of these individuals, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience and the natural world. By exploring the ebb and flow of human migration, Mabena acknowledges the Limpopo River as a witness to the enduring resilience and adaptability of the human spirit.

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